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Writer's pictureTarryn Wood

Positive Change

This week I wanted to talk about a few small ways we can make the world a tiny bit better for all of us. I think kindness is contagious, tiny acts of kindness can create a ripple effect and we all benefit from it. We all need kindness at times, let’s put it out there when we can and accept it when we need it ourselves.

I was recently introduced to the concept of permaculture and one of the principals is abundance, since then I have been thinking about what I have in abundance to give, for me I have empathy, understanding, healing experience, and time to give. I have love in my heart in abundance. I give it through this blog, my YouTube channel and my social media, I also give my time to my various little community projects. Some people may have money or space or something else in abundance, give what you have.

Financial donations are obviously always useful, they allow people and organisations to carry out their work. It is thanks to kind people donating to my just giving pages that I can complete my projects.

However there are many other ways to give and make the world a better place

You can give them space to talk

You could listen to someone who just needs to be heard, just listen to them, don’t give advice or wait for your turn to speak, just listen and empathise.

You can give dignity and respect to all people.

Every person has a story, every person comes from somewhere, treat every person like a human being. Don’t judge, degrade, humiliate or dismiss people because they work at the grocery store or McDonalds, or because they are immigrants or even homeless. Those people have struggles, hopes and families, we are all just trying to survive and be happy.

You can give honesty, you can give your word and keep it.

Live with integrity. When you say you are going to do something, do it.

You can give acceptance

Accept those around you for who they are, accept differences. You may not understand someone’s life or choices, but you can accept them, everyone deserves to live a life that makes them feel whole. (Obviously provided they are not hurting anyone else or themselves)

You can give validation

You can accept people’s feelings and let them know that they are valid. It’s ok to be hurt, disappointed or sad, it’s ok to cry, it’s ok to be angry. We are allowed to feel those emotions, we are not ‘’too sensitive’’ or ‘’too soft’’

You can give encouragement

You can give people encouragement to pursue the things in life that set their soul on fire. You can believe in them.

You can give something simple like a smile, or a compliment, or a hug.

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